Carrying gear ; Packboard ; Backsack ; Pouch ; Carryall ; Panniers ; Animal crate
Shelter ; Tarpaulin ; Whelan lean-to tent ; Forester tent ; Plastic tubing ; Mosquito bar
Fire making and lighting the dark ; Fuzzstick ; Magnifier ; Flint and steel ; Bow and drill ; Fire saw ; Fire thong ; Waterproof matches ; Eskimo Koodlik ; Candles ; Candle holders ; Torch
Keeping warm at night ; Sleeping bag ; Homemade heater ; Stove-pipe stove
Camp furniture ; Camp bed ; Tent shelves ; Camp chest ; Chest table ; Stool ; Table with benches ; Cattail mat ; Cattail basket
Clothes and personal items ; Poncho ; Chaps ; Buttons ; Gaucho button ; Conchae ; Tanning leather ; Making rawhide ; Moccasins ; Special moccasin sole ; Lacing ; Leather gloves ; Leather mitts ; Tubing for stockings ; Tie ring ; Belt ; Natural dyes ; Sunglasses ; Wilderness toothbrush ; Splint
Cooking gear ; Outdoor cooking tools ; Grill ; Lightweight grill ; Reflector baker ; Charcoal stove ; Double boiler ; Tea kettle ; Toaster ; Plank for a salmon ; All-purpose sheet ; Kitchen knife case ; Free refrigeration ; Ice for camping
Catching food ; Making a fish line ; Fish hooks ; Ice fishing ; Grill net ; Bola ; Figure-four trigger ; Snares ; Knife ; Knife sheath ; Arrowheads ; Bow and arrows ; Stone knife ; Stone spear ; Boomerang
Water supply ; Solar water still ; Water filter ; Water-holding basket ; Pottery
Tools and implements ; Primitive building tools ; Spud ; Tomahawk ; Ax and saw guards ; Wilderness broom ; Scouring brush
Avoiding getting lost ; Magnetic compass ; Sun compass ; Moon compass ; Wild whistle
Transportation ; Plastic canoe ; Raft ; Logoggan ; Snowshoes ; Snowshoe harness.