Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593), composite portraits
Salvador Dalí (1904-1989), visual surprise
Sandro del Prete (1937- ), a change of perspectives
Jos de Mey (1928- ), paradoxical worlds
M.C. Escher (1898-1972), master of mind and soul
Shigeo Fukuda (1932- ), visual scandal
Rob Gonsalves (1959- ), magic realism
Matheau Hamaekers (1954- ), optical constructivism
Scott Kim (1955- ), ambigrams
Akiyoshi Kitaoka, illusion op art
Ken Knowlton (1931- ), mosaic portraits
Guido Moretti (1947- ), transforming sculptures
Vik Muniz (1961- ), a change of medium
Octovio Ocampo (1943- ), metamorphic art
István Orosz (1951- ), anamorphoses
John Pugh (1957- ), trompe l'oeil
Oscar Reutersvärd (1915-2001), impossible figures
Roger Shepard (1929- ), mind sights
Dick Termes (1941- ), spherical worlds
Rex Whistler (1905-1944), inversions
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