Introduction and background. Approaching the New Testament as the church's scripture
The Old Testament as promise and preparation
The world of the New Testament
The Gospels : the proclamation of the kingdom. The Gospels as historical and theological documents
The origin and reliability of the gospel tradition
Form and redaction criticism
The Gospel according to Mark
The Gospel according to Matthew
The Gospel according to Luke( -Acts)
The Gospel according to John
Acts : the earliest preaching of the kingdom. From the preaching of Jesus to the kerygma of the early church
Acts as a book of key transitions
Paul and his Epistles : the interpretation of the kingdom. Paul, the man
Paul, Judaism, and the law
Paul's gospel and the parting of the ways
Paul's Christology and eschatology
Letters in the Hellenistic world
First and Second Thessalonians
The Deutero-Pauline Letters : extending the teaching of the Apostle. Ephesians
The tendencies of "early catholicism"
Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles : non-Pauline Christianity. The book of Hebrews
The Apocalypse : the consummation of the kingdom. The message of the Apocalypse
The text and canon of the New Testament. The transmission of the text
The formation of the canon.